All donation payments to SV Temple of Colorado using the online ACH or credit card facilities are subject to the following conditions.
- SV Temple of Colorado leverages the National Processing, LLC payment services for the ACH and Credit card payments
National Processing, LLC accepts the following cards:
- American Express
- Discover
- MasterCard
- Visa
By initiating a payment transaction, you are agreeing to the payment terms and conditions laid in here and you warrant that:
- You are 18 years of age or over.
- You have the appropriate authority to validly accept the Online Payment Terms and are able to and will meet your obligations in relation to these Terms.
- The credit card used in connection with the Services is issued in your name or you are authorized to use the credit card.
- You will pay the credit card issuer all charges incurred in the use of the Services.
- The information supplied by you is true and correct.
- When you complete the online payment form, funds will be deducted from your credit card in US currency.
- Payments are debited to SV Temple of Colorado.
Credit card payments are secure:
- Payments will be processed directly by facilitated by National Processing, LLC.
- Credit card numbers are protected with a high level of encryption when transmitted over the Internet.
- SV Temple of Colorado does not have access to your credit card details.
- If successful, will confirm that your payment was completed.
- If unsuccessful, will advise that your payment has failed. SV Temple of Colorado will not be advised why a payment has failed, therefore, you should contact your credit card provider for details.
- If your payment fails, please use one of the other payment methods available on the SV Temple of Colorado website.
- SV Temple of Colorado will confirm your payment details via email.
- All information you provide on the credit card payment facility forms will be handled in accordance with the privacy statement.
- SV Temple of Colorado Terms and Conditions for online credit card payments are subject to change at any time. Each transaction shall be subject to the specific Terms and Conditions that were in place at the time of the transaction.
- Any donation refund requests will have to be sent to and the temple manager will get in touch with the payee to issue a refund.